Hungary Guide : Calling Codes

The country code for Hungary is +36.

Within Hungary there are multiple area codes. Some of them you can check here.

To place an international call from within Hungary, dial 00, then the country code for the location you’re calling, the area code, and the number. For domestic long-distance, dial 06 followed by the area code and the number. To reach an international operator, dial 00-8000-1111 for AT&T, 00-8000-1411 for MCI, and 00-8000-1877 for Sprint. Directory assistance is also available by dialing 198. The number for international directory assistance is 199. You may have to hold for a few moments, but English-speaking operators are available.

Public phones accept either coins or a debit card, but coin-operated phones are more likely to be broken. A call costs a minimum of HUF 20 and phones accept HUF 10, HUF 20, HUF 50, and HUF 100 coins. Only unused coins are returned. Save yourself a headache and buy a phone card at a post office, newsstand, or supermarkets. Some hotels also have them for sale.